Reflection on Breathwork
Reflections on Dreamshadow® Breathwork Workshop by Irene Murray [...]
A September Weekend at Pendle Hill
A September Weekend at Pendle Hill by Sara Pelletier [...]
Plato’s Method vs. the Neon Gods: The Holotropic Vision and the Psychedelic Renaissance
Plato’s Method vs. the Neon Gods: The [...]
A Processual Metaphysics of Imaginary Companionship as Exceptional Creativity: Spiritual Emergence / Emergency
A Processual Metaphysics of Imaginary Companionship as Exceptional Creativity: [...]
Envisioning Whiteheadian Metaphysics
Envisioning Whiteheadian Metaphysics, Part 1: Applications to Conscious and Subconscious [...]
Tripping on Breath: Experiencing Holotropic Breathwork
Tripping on Breath: Experiencing Holotropic Breathwork by Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes [...]
Children and the Holotropic World
Children and the Holotropic World by Kari Kovik [...]
Transformational Journeys through Holotropic Breathwork
Transformational Journeys through Holotropic Breathwork By Patricia van Dijkhuizen [...]
After Breathwork
After Breathwork By Roscoe Stark "It was [...]
Excerpt from "Holotropic Breathwork: A New Approach to Self-Exploration [...]
Privileged by Paula Harrington Sitting here next to you [...]
November 7th
November 7th By Paula Harrington Can I welcome my [...]
Revolution of the Spark
Revolution of the Spark By Allyson Smith The [...]
Book Group on Eve
Dreamshadow® Book Group on Eve: How the Female Body [...]