Dreamshadow® Book Group on Eve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Evolution, by Cat Bohannon
By Ronit LeMon and the Dreamshadow® Book Group
The Dreamshadow® Book Group is an offshoot of the deep desire that members of the Dreamshadow community have for connection, personal development, deep diving, and discussion. We meet every couple of months during the winter season for an hour on Zoom to examine a book suggested and voted on by members. The leadership is shared: each session has a different member facilitating the discussion. All book suggestions are welcome.
In January, we met to discuss the fascinating book Eve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Evolution by Cat Bohannon. We were deeply interested in the missing history of women and how the female body shaped this world. We expected to learn; what we didn’t expect was to be delighted by her wit and humor. Reading the footnotes made many of us laugh out loud!
What follows is a pastiche of comments and responses to the book, submitted by our members. If you are interested in joining us, please email us at Ronitlemon@dreamshadow.com to get on the list. We’d love to have you!

One could argue that the book was written from a linear time perspective, taking a Darwinian approach, although it did go beyond that with postulating that some of our female bodily processes such as lactation can be traced to Morganucodons, Morgie for short, a type of rodent! It was incredibly well-researched, with extensive footnotes, often very witty although in the later chapters the humor fell a bit flat, maybe as the author was running out of steam.