Sacrificial Ceremony in the World of Bleeding Hearts

In the beginning of the breathwork, about twenty minutes into breathing, I felt the urge to put my hands and feet together as if tied. Once I let go and allowed the feeling to arrange me, I found myself surrounded by massive crowds of chanting people. These people were carrying me and many others, all bound, to the top of a massive pyramid. Instead of being afraid, I felt that all this was for a purpose beyond my individual suffering, and I was proud to be in this position. When I reached the top of the pyramid, I saw that I was not only the person about to get their heart cut out. I also realized that I was the individual doing the cutting. Once I cut my own heart out I held it above myself in the direction of the bright orange sun bathed in darkness. I experienced a confirming, beautiful pain caused by the inevitable loss of ones we love so deeply.

War in a Cradle’s Grave

In this experience I was awoken to hard rain and mud, then screams and blood, along with a paralyzing feeling of helplessness and infinite suffering. I was in a war taking place in a mud-like-hell filled with howling souls. I could see the entire battlefield as if I were lying at the bottom of a rectangular grave. I began to flash back and forth between the battlefield world of suffering to an infant screaming and lying at the bottom of a crib. Then the flashing sped up, and I was just witnessing light. That light turned into a sunset, and I then found myself standing as a member of a native tribe after a brutal war. We were all paying respect to the ones lost — even our enemies. Then we supported each other, took on new tribe members and walked into the sun. I felt a peace with this acceptance of the loss.