Vernal Equinox 2024
What I love about this journal is that it unites the varied experiences of delving into the transpersonal. Whether we are hearing about a first-person response to transpersonal breathwork, diving deep into theory and research, feasting on art and poetry, or exploring the questions and encounters that arise when we realize that we are all connected, the strands interweave and braid into the fabric of the holotropic. Indeed, all of these threads are rich and lush and add to our understanding and wonder.
This is our first edition, and we are excited to share it with you. We expect that we will change and grow over time as most living things do. We know that we will add more resources to our website for art and music, that we will launch a Mandala Gallery, that we will feature more articles and offerings, and that we will cross pollinate with the Dreamshadow® community along with other breathwork groups. What we cannot know is exactly what form we will take.
And that’s the exciting part.
So welcome again to Drop & Buds first edition. May you find offerings to spark you, create connection and illuminate.
In Gratitude,
Ronit LeMon, MA, MCC