Our minds are finite, and yet even in these circumstances of finitude we are surrounded by possibilities that are infinite, and the purpose of human life is to grasp as much as we can out of the infinitude.
Drops & Buds, an open access electronic journal dedicated to furthering the work of transpersonal psychiatrist Stanislav Grof, MD, is currently accepting submissions. Drops & Buds will consider complementary work generally related to transpersonal topics in modern psychology, particularly its philosophical and historical foundations.

Drops & Buds
This journal welcomes academic as well as lay contributions and endeavors, including relevant accounts of personal development that speak to issues of general interest. It invites submissions from humanities, arts, and science that are not excessively technical or polarizing, and that stand firmly in the point of view of the world as one organism, rather than being divided into humans or nature, social or economic classes, ideologies, or religions.
This journal and its associated website, Breathwork.com, welcome discussion of related modalities and programs that honor Grof’s work and legacy.
Submissions For Publication
Submissions accepted for publication will advance the understanding of exceptional experience and tell how to readily support its expression in practical ways, especially concerning the development of an inclusive community orientation. Submissions may include research, philosophy, first-person accounts, art, music discussions/playlists, poetry, agendas/syllabi of holotropic workshops, discussion of issues that arise during holotropic therapy, etc.
Submission Guidelines:
- Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.
- The journal is published biannually, coinciding with the March and September equinoxes.
- We accept multimedia submissions, including video, audio, visual art, written work, and music playlists.
- Format parameters for the various media include MS Word (written work), JPEG (visual art), MP4 (video), and WAV (audio).
- Submissions should be sent via email to the Editor-in-Chief, Ronit LeMon, at ronitlemon@dreamshadow.com.
- Mandala Submissions for our ongoing Mandala Gallery can be submitted anytime. Please also include a title and personal write-up, as short or as long as you would like, reflective of what feels important for you to share. Feel free to include yourself in the photo as we’d love to see you, too!
We look forward to receiving your contributions.